Day: November 7, 2020

  • Nagorno-Karabakh Briefing | Nov. 7

    Nagorno-Karabakh Briefing | Nov. 7

    The conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan — now in its sixth week — shows little sign of easing after three ceasefires have fallen apart, and could be approaching a decisive moment as heavy clashes are reported near a key town. Nagorno-Karabakh and areas under control of Armenian and Azerbaijani forces, before the conflict resumed in…

  • Insta-Plov: Modern Technology Meets Ancient Dish

    Insta-Plov: Modern Technology Meets Ancient Dish

    It has been a dog of a week! First: the American election. Next: appliances then went on what was clearly a coordinated sympathy strike: the stand mixture, the icemaker, and the stove’s pilot light all stopped working. And then my dog got sick. The vets sent us home with medication and instructions to keep our…

  • Doctor Who Treated Navalny and Denied Novichok Poisoning Promoted to Regional Health Minister

    Doctor Who Treated Navalny and Denied Novichok Poisoning Promoted to Regional Health Minister

    The head doctor of the Siberian hospital which first treated leading Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny — and repeatedly denied that he had been poisoned — has been appointed the region’s new health minister. Omsk region governor Alexander Burkov said in a statement Saturday morning he had named Alexander Murakhovsky, 49, to head up the region’s…