Average life expectancy in Russia up to 71.9

Average life expectancy in Russia up to 71.9 years in 2016 – Izvestia

According the official statistics, life expectancy for men in 2016 was 66.5 years, and for women – 77 years

Average life expectancy in Russia went up to 71.9 years in 2016, the Izvestia daily said on Thursday citing Russia’s state statistics authority Rosstat.

According the official statistics, life expectancy for men in 2016 was 66.5 years, and for women – 77 years.

The top three regions in terms of longest life expectancy are the republic of Ingushetia (80.8 years), the republic of Dagestan (77.2 years), and Moscow (77 years). The last three regions in the 2016 rating are republic of Tuva (64.2 years), the Chukotka autonomous area (64.4 years), and the Jewish autonomous region (65.8 years).

The gap between the first and the last region in the rating is about 15 years.

In 2012, average life expectancy in Russia was 70.2 years, Izvestia adds.




