Join a Parade!

On Saturday Perspektiva, an organization that supports and advocates for people with physical and developmental disabilities, is holding their annual parade in Gorky Park. Called “Move for Change!” the parade will start about noon and move along the river embankment.

Anyone and everyone is welcome to join in and move along the riverside however you want – in wheelchairs, on bicycles and three-wheelers, on scooters, skateboards, rollerblades or on foot. The parade is a way of drawing attention to the importance and success of inclusion of people with disabilities in every aspect of daily life.

To participate, you don’t have to have a disability, but you are encouraged to come in a costume, or with face paint, or carrying a homemade sign or banner in support of barrier-free environments and inclusion. For members of the foreign community with disabilities, there will be people to help translate (English) and make introductions.

Back at the park Nike Box MSK is hosting inclusive events: boccia, goalball, wheelchair basketball, relay races and all kinds of master classes. After contests for the best costume, best corporate logos, and best banners the day will end with a concert.

9 Krymsky Val. Metro Park Kultury, Oktyabrskaya.See Perspektiva’s Facebook page for more information.



