At the Rooppur NPP construction site in the People’s Republic of Bangladesh (the general designer and general contractor being the Rosatom State Corporation Engineering Division), welding of the main coolant pipeline (MCP) has been completed successfully in the reactor building of Unit 2.
Junction, welding-up and heat treatment of the pearlitic part of 28 weld joints took 60 days. Another 6 days were required to complete surfacing of austenitic stainless steel that will protect the pipeline from aggressive medium.

The main coolant pipeline is a system of pipes connecting the main equipment of the NPP primary circuit. It consists of four loops, each of which is connected to the reactor and includes the reactor coolant pump and steam generator. The total length of MCP is 140 meters, weight is 238 tons, inner diameter is 850 mm.
“During the NPP operation, coolant with the temperature of 320 degrees will be circulating through the MCP, therefore, the pipeline welding is a very responsible process involving only the most experienced welders. Besides, various types of welding shall be used to weld seven centimeters of joint. Each weld joint passes seven inspections at different work stages, which guarantees its reliability and quality”, commented Alexey Deriy, ASE JSC Vice President – Rooppur NPP Construction Project Director.
About one hundred employees of Energospetsmontazh JSC were engaged in the works. Specialists from NIKIMT-Atomstroy JSC provided technical, expert and consulting support to the operatoins.
For reference:
Rooppur NPP equipped with two VVER-1200 reactors of the total 2400 MW capacity is being constructed under the Russian design 160 km from Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, in accordance with the General Contract dated December 25, 2015. The Russian design with VVER-1200 reactors that had been successfully implemented at two units of Novovoronezh NPP was selected for the first NPP in Bangladesh. This is an evolutionary Generation III+ design which fully complies with all the international safety requirements.