Nightingale /luscinia, lucinia, lucina/ medallion 5.5 cm in diameter
The ancient writers /Pliny, X.29.43/ and the medieval ones /St.Ambrose, V.12.39; Isidor, XII.VII.37; Psuedo-Hugh III.33/ as well as New European men of letters, especially poets, are unanimous in praising the wonderful singing of the nightingale. The text, originating from St.Ambrose and Isidor, relates the story of the nightingale warming her eggs in the nest by her body and during the sleepless night consoling herself by sweet singing heralding the dawn /”lucinia” from “lucescere” which means “dawn”/. The behaviour of the nightingale is compared to the life of a poor but an honest working woman who ligntens the burden of her life by singing. “Aviarium” has no mention of a nightingale. Pierre of Beauvais /11.195/ expands the text of the bestiary.