Chechnya’s Kadyrov ‘Sanctions’ Pompeo, Accuses Him of ‘Ordering’ George Floyd’s Killing

The head of Russia’s republic of Chechnya has declared “all the sanctions” in his region on U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, baselessly claiming that the U.S. official ordered the killing of African-American man George Floyd that sparked anti-racism protests in the United States. Pompeo’s State Department placed Ramzan Kadyrov on its blacklist of human…

Russia to Vaccinate Medics for Coronavirus in August

Russia plans to administer its experimental coronavirus vaccine on healthcare professionals next month before its clinical trials are completed, Health Minister Mikhail Murashko said Thursday. Russia’s adenoviral vector-based vaccine developed by military and government researchers is in Phase II trials with plans to launch the next and final phase sometime after Aug. 3. The vaccine…

Moscow Getaway to Nikola-Lenivets Art Park

After four months of coronavirus lockdown and counting, we all could use an escape from Moscow’s urban expanse. Nikola-Lenivets, a sprawling open-air art park filled with wonders both natural and manmade, is a great option for getting away from the noise without breaking social distancing. Covering 650 hectares of Ugra National Park in the Kaluga…

Coronavirus in Russia: The Latest News | July 24

Russia has confirmed 800,849 cases of coronavirus and 13,046 deaths. July 24: 3 things you need to know today Russia plans to administer its experimental coronavirus vaccine on healthcare professionals next month before its clinical trials are completed, Health Minister Mikhail Murashko said Thursday. Russia plans to restart international flights to Britain, Turkey and Tanzania on Aug. 1 more…