Russia Issues Arrest Warrants for Exiled Navalny Aides

Russian authorities have issued arrest warrants for two exiled associates of jailed Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny, the independent Mediazona news website reported Thursday. The Interior Ministry’s database of wanted persons lists investigator Maria Pevchikh and Navalny YouTube channel host Dmitry Nizovtsev, both of whom live outside Russia. The database does not indicate which criminal charges Pevchikh and…

Kazakhstan to Extradite Russian Cybersecurity Expert to Moscow After Snubbing U.S.

Kazakhstan will extradite Russian cybersecurity expert Nikita Kislitsin to face hacking and extortion charges in his home country, Moscow’s Prosecutor General’s Office announced Thursday.  Kislitsin was detained in the Central Asian country in June following an extradition request from the United States, which accused him of buying personal data obtained through the 2012 hack of the…

Putin’s 2024 Campaign Headquarters Open

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s 2024 campaign headquarters has opened its doors in Moscow one week after he gave an end-of-the-year marathon press conference there, state media reported Thursday. The campaign headquarters at the Gostiny Dvor venue near the Kremlin is open to visitors on weekdays during working hours, according to the news broadcaster Rossia 1. The headquarters…

ROSATOM presented interim results of work on elimination of accumulated environmental damage from the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill to UNESCO experts

A complex of measures to bring the facilities to a safe state is planned to be completed within the next four years. Experts from UNESCO and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources visited the industrial site of the former Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill JSC (BPPM JSC) as part of…