epresentatives of FSUE RosRAO (a ROSATOM’s enterprise) presented front-line anthropomorphic technologies for radioactive waste (RAW) management at the 3rd International Forum on the Decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, which was held in Iwaki (Fukushima Prefecture, Japan) on August 5-6.
The forum was attended by Japanese and foreign experts, including William Magwood, General Secretary of the Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
As part of the forum, a platform for exchange of opinions with experts and general public was organized. Denis Pleshchenko, Head of Communications Department of FSUE RosRAO, took part in the event. He delivered a paper on the experience in interaction with local communities in the Russian Federation.
The plenary session and exhibition were held on the second day of the forum where Sergey Florya, Deputy Director General for International Activities and New Businesses, and Dmitry Kucherov, Head of Project Office of Innovative Development and Implementation of International Activities of FSUE RosRAO, presented anthropomorphic robotic technologies for radioactive waste management in high-activity fields. “We are sure in viability of implementation of the unmanned technologies in the routine processes of decommissioning of nuclear- and radiation-hazardous facilities and RAW management. This year we demonstrated the experience in implementation of our anthropomorphic robot in RAW management of the decommissioning of legacy storage facilities,” Florya said.
For information:
Since 2014, FSUE RosRAO, with the support of TENEX-Japan (a TENEX’s subsidiary) and jointly with research organizations of ROSATOM, has actively participated in R&D aimed at elimination of consequences of the accident at Fukushima-Daiichi NPP and participated in the forum for second time. The uniqueness of this expert platform is determined, first, by the scale of the tasks at the plant and degree of involvement of the world professional community in solving them. This year, the event focused on independent and unmanned technologies for decommissioning; the experience and best practices of leading world countries was presented.