Research in the field of plasma physics and thermonuclear fusion is aimed at solving global problem of providing humankind with clean and safe energy in the future.
On March 26, 2024, within the framework of the ATOMEXPO-2024 International Forum, the Scientific Division of the Rosatom (managing company – Science and Innovations JSC) will hold a panel session “Thermonuclear Innovations for the Green Era: Lifting the Veil on the Future”.

The session experts will be leading Russian and foreign scientists in the field of thermonuclear and plasma research. In particular, among other participants, are Yuntao Song, Director of the Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Viktor Ilgisonis, Director of Scientific and Technical Research and Development of Rosatom, Anatoly Krasilnikov, Director of the ITER Project Center Private Institution (Rosatom), and others.
Participants will discuss the major issues related to the development of thermonuclear energy in the world, including contributions to the development of related disciplines, prospects for commercialization, legal regulations, and others. Special attention will be devoted to the experience of international scientific cooperation in the framework of the implementation of national and international thermonuclear projects.