On November 27, concreting of cylindrical part of the inner containment in the reactor building of Unit 1 with VVER-1200 reactor was completed on Rooppur NPP site in Bangladesh.
“The control milestone, which is completion of concreting of the 4th tier of inner containment up to elevation +38.500 m of Unit 1, has been completed. This work was performed almost a month ahead of the established deadline”, said Sergey Lastochkin, Vice President and Director for Rooppur NPP Construction Project.

Specialists of contracting company RosSEM Trust LLC laid 1,044 cubic meters of concrete into the structure.
Currently, the construction workers have proceeded with manufacturing of elements for the containment dome part. It is planned to complete erection of steel structures and concreting of the inner containment dome in July 2021.
For reference:
The inner containment is one of the major elements of NPP reactor safety system, which prevents release of radioactive substances into the environment.
Rooppur NPP with two VVER-1200 reactors and the total capacity of 2,400 MW is being constructed under the Russian design, 160 km from Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, in accordance with General Contract dated December 25, 2015. The General Contractor for Rooppur NPP construction is Atomstroyexport (the Engineering Division of ROSATOM).