If all you know about Romani music came from listening to a couple of singers at a Mediterranean resort jiggling lots of fake gold and stamping their feet — who were, by the way, a Spanish-French-German couple from Des Moines — then you don’t know anything about Romani music.
And if you think all Romani are swarthy, think again. Actors Michael Caine and Rita Hayworth, singer Elvis Presley and even legendary Charlie Chaplin all had Romani blood.
And if you think Romani musicals are about caravans of happy travelers singing their way across Russia, come see the production of “Grushenka” on Sunday night.
The Moscow Times is giving two free tickets to “Grushenka” to the person who writes the best answer to this question:
Name a person of Romani heritage who inspires you and tell us why.
Write a few words, a couple sentences or a whole paragraph if you feel in the mood. (Of course, you can look up “Famous Romani” on Wiki.)
Send your answer to contests@themoscowtimes.com
We’ll announce the winner on Friday and send you your tickets.