The State Corporation plans to build a wind power plant in the region.
On July 8, in Yekaterinburg, as part of the International Industrial Exhibition Innoprom-2024, a ceremony was held to sign a Cooperation Agreement between the Rosatom State Corporation and the Government of the Rostov Region on the construction of a wind power plant in the Rostov Region.
The document was signed by Viktor Svistunov, Deputy Director General for the Development of Technical and Regulatory Control of Wind Power Plants (WPPs) of the ROSATOM Wind Energy Division and Igor Sorokin, Deputy Governor of the Rostov Region.
The Agreement provides for cooperation between the parties during the implementation of an investment project for the construction of a wind power plant with a total capacity of about 100 MW in the Rostov Region. Currently, a power distribution scheme has been developed and agreed upon with the System Operator and the grid company. The WPP facility is included in the Territorial Planning Scheme and Development Program of the Rostov Region. The government of the Rostov Region will provide methodology support in matters related to the project preparation and implementation, including obtaining appropriate permits.
“The signing of this Agreement is an important stage in the development of the energy infrastructure diversification of Russian regions. Currently, Rosatom Marchenkovskaya WPP and a plant for the production of components for wind turbines are already operating in the Rostov Region. The future plans include the construction of another wind power plant. The main priority of ROSATOM is not just the construction of large energy projects in the regions of our country, but also the creation of new jobs, the infrastructure development in the region where it operates and the improvement of the quality of life of people,” noted Viktor Svistunov.