The experts have started flushing of active and passive safety systems with the open reactor at Unit 2 of Belarus NPP (the general designer and general contractor is ROSATOM Engineering Division).
This is one of the most important, strictly regulated process operations, in the course of which the equipment installed and pipelines of safety systems and normal operation systems, connected with the reactor plant primary circuit, are flushed with chemically demineralized water (with a purpose of cleaning from mechanical impurities) and operability of process safety systems and normal operation systems pump sets, involved in the process, is checked.

“The commencement of post-installation cleaning of passive and active safety systems equipment and pipelines with flushing to the open reactor is the start of preparation for hydraulic tests and circulation flushing of the reactor plant primary circuit of the second power unit”, was pointed out by Mr. Vitaly Polyanin, Vice President of JSC ASE EC, Director of Belarus NPP Construction Project. “The fact of this process beginning means that the availability level of process systems in the reactor compartment allows for implementation of full-scale pre-commissioning works”.
For the reference:
Belarus NPP with two VVER-1200 reactors having a total capacity of 2400 MW is being constructed in Ostrovets (Republic of Belarus). To construct the first NPP in Belarus, it has been decided to rely on the Russian 3+ generation design that is fully compliant with the international standards and IAEA safety recommendations.