The Gazprom Board of Directors took note of the information about the Company’s preliminary operating results for 2024 and the projected investment program and budget (financial plan) for 2026–2027.
The Board of Directors approved the investment program and budget (financial plan) of Gazprom for 2025. The figures of the investment program did not change compared to the version endorsed by the Gazprom Management Committee in November this year.
The overall amount of investments under the 2025 investment program will total RUB 1,523.7 billion.
The approved financial plan is well-balanced; it ensures the achievement of the Company’s strategic goals and provides for a full coverage of its liabilities without a deficit. Decisions on debt financing under the Borrowing Program will be made on the basis of the market conditions, liquidity and Gazprom’s financing needs.
Gazprom’s investment program for 2025 includes financing for top-priority projects, such as further development of the gas production centers in eastern Russia and the Yamal Peninsula, gas infrastructure expansion in Russian regions, expansion of the capacities of the Power of Siberia gas trunkline and Gazprom’s gas processing complex, as well as the implementation of the “Eastern Gas Supply System” Gas Trunkline System project and projects securing gas balance in peak periods.