The award ceremony of the 2018 corporate contest for the best inventors and innovators took place today at the meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council of Gazprom as part of the 9th St. Petersburg International Gas Forum.
The top place in the Best Inventor among Gazprom’s Subsidiaries category was shared by Gazprom Transgaz Krasnodar and Severneftegazprom. In 2018, these subsidiaries employed more than 50 self-engineered patented solutions in their operations, with the total economic benefit exceeding RUB 73 million. Moreover, the companies received 29 patents for their promising proprietary technologies.
Gazprom Transgaz Ukhta was the runner-up in this category, followed by Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk.
Gazprom Transgaz Yugorsk became the winner in the Best Innovator among Gazprom’s Subsidiaries category. The company put into practice more than 4,100 innovative proposals last year, achieving the total economic benefit of around RUB 80 million.
Second and third places went to Gazprom Transgaz Nizhny Novgorod and Gazprom Transgaz Ufa, respectively.
The annual contest for the best-performing company in terms of innovations and inventions was launched by Gazprom in 2015. The contest seeks to stimulate inventions and innovations and yield the maximum economic benefit from such endeavors.
Winners are determined based on an aggregate indicator accounting for all major aspects of intellectual activities, including creative efforts of personnel in generating intellectual property and the value it brings to the Company through its successful commercialization and effective use in production activities.
In 2018, 25 subsidiaries of Gazprom took part in the contest.