In 2024, over 1,200 foreign professionals did training and skill development courses at Russian training facilities (Rosatom Technical Academy, part of Rosenergoatom) and at Russian nuclear power plants (branches of Rosenergoatom, Rosatom Electric Power Division). These are atomists from Egypt, Hungary, Turkey, Bangladesh, Belarus, and China. Some of them have finished the so-called job training program; others will continue their training in the next year. Rosenergoatom also offers practical training for students from Belarus, who will work at the Belarus NPP after completing their studies.

Theoretical instruction, simulation exercises, and practical experience at operating Russian NPPs and NPPs under construction abroad equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to safely and effectively operate Russian-design VVER-1200 power units, which are currently being constructed by Rosatom in partner countries. The training program encompasses diverse jobs, including turbine equipment operators, reactor equipment assemblers, senior reactor and turbine control engineers, chemists, electricians, as well as radiation and nuclear safety specialists, environmental safety professionals, administrative and technical personnel including deputy chief engineers working at NPPs. The students receive their training under the mentorship of Russian experts who have a wealth of experience in operating and maintaining units with water-cooled reactors. They assist their international colleagues in grasping the complexities of the job at operating NPPs.

Special attention is given to the training of operational personnel. Trainees not only work together with Russian operational personnel and observe the operating technological and safety systems at nuclear power plants, receive work experience, but also develop their teamwork skills. Besides, for personnel working at the control rooms of foreign NPPs, it is mandatory to undergo training at a full-scale simulator in order to practice their actions in both normal operating conditions and hypothetical emergencies, until these actions are matrixed into their muscle memory.
“We have all the necessary training tools, expert instructors, a training and methodological base. Additionally, we offer training opportunities at operational power plants. The combination of theory and practical experience allows students to achieve a high level of expertise”, said Alexander Vysochin, Head of the Foreign NPP Personnel Training at the Personnel Training Department of Rosenergoatom.