On June 15, in the city of Trivandrum (Republic of India), the celebration of the Day of Russia was organized by Ratish Nair, the Honorary Consul of the Russian Federation, Director of the Russian House in Trivandrum.
The event was attended by representatives of the government and the public of the state of Kerala, consular offices of Russia and other countries, various political parties in India, as well as employees of the Rosatom State Corporation Engineering Division.

The solemn part started with the anthems of both countries and continued with the traditional lighting of lamps and a musical concert by the “Lege Artis” trio from the city of Veliky Novgorod. The participants of the event were presented with video presentations on the activities of the Engineering Division and on the contribution of ROSATOM to the achievement of the sustainable development goals adopted by the United Nations.
“We consider it very important to hold events that maintain communication between the Russian and Indian peoples and draw attention to the contribution of the largest international organizations to achieving sustainable development goals, using the example of ROSATOM,” – Anton Chistyakov said, Deputy Director for Projects in India of ASE JSC, Head of the Construction Division at Kudankulam NPP construction site. – “The construction of Kudankulam NPP, our common Russian-Indian project, definitely makes a significant contribution to achieving these goals”.
For reference:
Kudankulam NPP is located in Tamil Nadu state of the Republic of India. The construction of 6 power units with the VVER-1000 reactor type is planned. The General Customer of the project is the Nuclear Power Corporation of India (Ltd) (NPCIL), the Russian company ASE JSC acts as an integrator, supplying equipment and working documentation. Units No.1 and No.2 are already supplying power to the Indian grid, units No.3, No.4, No.5 and No.6 are currently under construction.