The award ceremony for the 2020 edition of Gazprom’s Science and Technology Prize took place at the meeting of the Company’s Management Committee.
The paper entitled “Creating and implementing innovative analytics software tools for the assessment, shaping and effective management of geological exploration projects and portfolios at the licensed areas of the Gazprom Group” by NIIgazeconomika won the top prize at the contest. The project was developed in cooperation with the relevant structural units of Gazprom, Gazprom Dobycha Nadym, and Gazprom Nedra.
The authors proposed a new universal methodology for managing geological exploration activities. It envisages, in particular, a wide use of custom-made software and analytical tools to process available data and make the most effective decisions on further exploration efforts.
Second place went to Gazprom UGS for the paper entitled “Technical design and engineering solutions for efficient and long-term operation of difficult wells in UGS facilities owned by Gazprom outside of Russia.”
The authors of the following papers were also awarded:
- “A set of sci-tech solutions to support pre-commissioning operations at the Power of Siberia gas trunkline” by Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk.
- “Elaboration of technology and measures for bringing petroleum needle coke into production” by Gazprom Neft.
- “Development and application of aerospace technologies in remote sensing of gas trunklines” by Gazprom Space Systems.
- “Improving gas-dynamic parameters of Gazprom’s gas turbine units by using advanced numerical modeling tools” by Gazprom Transgaz Yugorsk.
- “Developing and implementing technology for optimization of geodynamic monitoring systems at Gazprom’s fields” by Gazprom VNIIGAZ.
- “Implementing innovative energy saving approaches at gas transmission companies through upgraded inspection, maintenance and repair of shut-off and control valves” by Gazprom Transgaz Stavropol.
- “Development and adoption of innovative measures aimed at improving the reliability and efficiency of the AL-31ST engine in the Ufa gas compressor unit (GCU-16R)” by Gazprom Transgaz Ufa.
- “A comprehensive solution to improve the reliability of the gas transmission system within the Moscow industrial hub of Gazprom Transgaz Moscow in special operating conditions using a corrosion monitoring system” by Gazprom Transgaz Moscow.
Gazprom’s Science and Technology Prize was established in 1998. The Prize is an important component of the corporate scientific and technological policy aimed at promoting innovations in the Company’s businesses and maintaining its technological leadership within the global energy industry.
In 2020, 126 authors from 23 subsidiaries of Gazprom and 8 third-party entities submitted their projects for the Prize.
The papers were assessed by a group of experts from Gazprom and its subsidiaries. The assessment criteria included urgency, novelty, scientific and technological level (research intensity), area of application, scope and economic impact with regard to Gazprom, commercial potential and protectability, and use of domestic products, technologies and equipment.