Russian experts have participated in the international scientific and technical conference TopFuel 2023 held in Xian, China. The event was dedicated to the development and operation of nuclear fuel for pressurised water reactors (PWR), boiling water reactors (BWR), and VVER-type reactors.
Specialists from TVEL Fuel Company and other ROSATOM enterprises involved in nuclear fuel production presented a strategic vision for the development of nuclear fuel for Russian-designed VVER reactors, as well as solutions for fuel in small modular reactors. They focused on the Russian proposal for designing fuel assemblies and fuel cycles for Western-designed PWR reactors based on Russian-designed TVS-Kvadrat (TVSK) fuel.

TVSK is the only nuclear fuel on the global market that is entirely independent of the developers of the original PWR reactor technology. It utilises the best materials and technical solutions that have proven their efficiency over many years of production and operation of Russian fuel for VVER reactors.
“TVSK fuel provides nuclear power plant operators with unique advantages, including increased performance of power units, enhanced operational safety, and improved fuel supply chain stability, all achieved through fully independent technical solutions from ROSATOM,” said Ilya Ushmarov, the project leader of the TVS-Kvadrat program at TVEL.
During the conference, Russian experts presented reports on the high characteristics of TVSK fuel based on the experience gained from the complete operation cycle in a European PWR-900 reactor and post-reactor studies at an independent scientific center. They demonstrated the excellent behavior of the fuel under industrial operation conditions and the possibilities for integrating TVSK with higher uranium enrichment levels and integrated burnable absorbers. This is expected to make the operation of nuclear power plants more economically efficient.
For reference:
Russia is consistently developing international trade and economic relations, emphasising cooperation with friendly countries. Despite external limitations, the Russian economy is increasing its export potential, supplying goods, services, and raw materials worldwide. Implementation of major international projects in the energy sector continues, and Rosatom and its enterprises actively participate in this work.
The Fuel Company of ROSATOM “TVEL” includes enterprises engaged in nuclear fuel fabrication, uranium conversion and enrichment, gas centrifuge production, as well as research and design organisations. As the sole supplier of nuclear fuel for Russian nuclear power plants, TVEL provides fuel to a total of 75 energy reactors in 15 countries, research reactors in nine countries, and transport reactors of the Russian nuclear fleet. Every sixth energy reactor in the world operates on TVEL fuel.
The Fuel Division of ROSATOM is the world’s largest producer of enriched uranium and a leader in the global market for stable isotopes. The Fuel Division actively develops new businesses in the fields of chemistry, metallurgy, energy storage technologies, 3D printing, digital products, and decommissioning of nuclear facilities. Within the TVEL Fuel Company, sectoral integrators of Rosatom have been established for additive technologies and energy storage systems.