Scientists at the Research Institute of Nuclear Materials (INM JSC, belongs to Rosatom’s Scientific division) in Zarechny, Sverdlovsk Oblast, have developed a technology for the production of terbium-161 isotope (effective in treating cancerous tumors). Russia did not produce this medical isotope before. The therapeutic effect of terbium-161 (as part of a radiopharmaceutical) is due to the emission of beta particles and Auger electrons. The plan is to start the production of a wide range of new-generation radiopharmaceuticals based on this new radionuclide.

INM JSC provided a pilot batch of the new product to the A.M. Granov Russian Scientific Center for Radiology and Surgical Technologies of the Russian Ministry of Health for testing purposes. This St. Petersburg-based center is devoted to radiology, the development of radiopharmaceuticals, and research in oncology and atomedics.
“Preclinical studies have shown that the dose of terbium-161 is, on average, 1.5 times higher than that of similar pharmaceuticals. This allows for a reduction in the amount of radiopharmaceutical administered compared to those based on lutetium as well as for reduced patients exposure and irradiation of healthy organs and tissues”, said Andrey Stanzhevsky, Dr. habil . med., Associate Professor, Deputy Research Director at the A.M. Granov Russian Scientific Center for Radiology and Surgical Technologies of the Russian Ministry of Health.