The ROSATOM representatives took part in the International Youth Forum for Sustainable Nuclear Technologies has ended in Egypt. This event was organized by the Egyptian Nuclear Power Plant Authority (NPPA) in partnership with ROSATOM. The Forum united more than 350 people from 25 countries – representatives of government and public organizations, universities, including experts, young scientists, students and postgraduates from different countries. About 800 thousand people watched the event broadcast online.
The Forum participants discussed a series of key topics – the impact of nuclear technologies on the development of various industries and the quality of life of modern people; ensuring the cycle of creating breakthrough innovations through the development of the nuclear industry; the contribution of nuclear education to the training of qualified personnel. In total, 9 official events were held within the framework of the Forum’s business program – thematic plenary sessions and discussions, a series of mini-lectures, youth events “on the sidelines” and a technology tour.
During the events of the Forum’s business program, the selection of foreign nuclear youth for the opportunity to participate in World Atomic Week (WAW), a global international forum on nuclear and related industries, which will be held this year in Moscow. The award ceremony for the winners of the first quiz was attended by Tatiana Terentieva, Deputy Director General for Personnel at ROSATOM, and Dr. Mohammed Dwiddar, Chairman of the Board of the Egyptian Nuclear Power Plant Authority. They presented official diplomas to the top three prize-winners. The winners included: Mahmoud Morsi from the Egyptian Association of Young Nuclear Professionals (EYGN), Ahmed Soliman and Nada Eltohfa from the University of Alexandria.
In the interactive area of the Forum, two thematic photo exhibitions were presented by the Engineering Division of ROSATOM and the Egyptian Nuclear Power Plant Authority (NPPA). The exhibition “Collection of Impressions” from ASE JSC was assembled from the works of the winners in special nominations of the ASE International Photo Awards. The NPPA photo exhibition was dedicated to the important milestones of the construction of the El Dabaa NPP. The participants of the Forum also had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of nuclear power plant construction using VR technologies (in particular, to take a virtual tour of the El Dabaa NPP). The final event of the Forum was a technical tour to the El Dabaa NPP. The participants learned about the stages of construction of the nuclear power plant and saw all four power units that are currently being built.