A meeting on digitalization of NPP construction processes has been held in Moscow office of ASE JSC (a part of ROSATOM’s Engineering Division). Its main topic was import substitution and use of own digital developments for NPP design and construction, as well as for optimization of internal processes in the Engineering Division.
The meeting was attended by Alexander Lokshin, First Deputy Director General for Nuclear Energy of ROSATOM, President of ASE JSC, Ekaterina Solntseva, ROSATOM’s Director for Digitalization, Evgeny Abakumov, ROSATOM’s IT Director, managers of NPP construction projects and business functions of the Engineering Division.

Olga Tostunova, Vice President for Digitalization and IT of ASE JSC, noted in her speech that smooth operation of the Division under sanctions had been ensured: “Equipment pool for NPP was created, operation of services was ensured so that the measures introduced did not go unnoticed for many people. In 2022, the process of import substitution for work places will be continued – more than three thousand employees will transfer to domestic office software. For achievement of our goals of contractual obligations fulfillment as regards the digital field and enhancement of internal efficiency owing to use of digital solutions, import substitution is the reality: nowadays digital tools are becoming our production tools.”
For the time being, import substitution in the Engineering Division has been completed as regards 2D-design; by 2023, software for 3D-design will be substituted. In addition, our own digital product Multi-D Project is currently implemented at the site of Kursk-2 NPP. It allows automatic issue of weekly and daily tasks directly to construction brigades and work performance monitoring.
By the end of 2023, it is planned to complete substitution of imported engineering data management systems. About 95% of foreign software will be replaced with domestic analogs already by 2025. The most long-term horizon of three years is related to transfer to a completely import-independent enterprise management system (ERP).
“Sanctions by foreign suppliers of software have not stopped the work on NPP design and construction, moreover, they have sped up import substitution processes in the Engineering Division. The company has a general understanding of what to do in the current situation, how long the transfer to import-independent software will last, how complicated it will be and where our bottle necks are. Therefore, we will work calmly to solve the established tasks”, Alexander Lokshin summarized.