In 2018, Russian nuclear power plants (branches of Rosenergoatom) set a new electricity production record which is 204.275 bln kilowatt-hours, accrued cumulative output and exceeded achievement of 2017 (202.868 bln kWh) by more than 1.4 bln kWh.
The FAS balance over 2018 was fulfilled by 101.46% with the planned indicator of 201.334 bln kWh.
Kalinin NPP (about 35 bln kWh), Balakovo NPP over 31 bln kWh) and Leningrad NPP (over 28 bln kWh) achieved maximum production among Russian NPPs making the greatest contributions to the said record.
At the present time, the share of nuclear generation in the total energy mix of the country is 18,7% of the total electricity generation in Russia. Thus, each fifth electric bulb in the Russian Federation is lit owing to energy produced at nuclear power plants.