Tag: Cossack

  • Ľudové sviatky Cossack

    EN Cossack horse races. Novocherkassk DE Kosaken-Pferderennen. Nowotscherkassk EN“Azov siege” historical reconstruction DE Inszenierung der Schlacht bei der Festung Asow EN Folk holiday in Ataman courtyard of Cossack stanitsa Starocherkasskaya — at its height DE Folklorefest im Ataman-Hof in der Kosakensiedlung Starotscherkasskaja ist in vollem Gange EN International literary-folk holiday “Sholokhov’s spring” in stanitsa Vyeshenskaya…

  • From the history of the Cossacks.

    EN 2. Icon “Saint Nikolai, Archbishop of Likiyan chrisms, the Thaumaturgisf — blessing of emperor Nikolai II to Don Army to 24 Don Cossack regiment in the war against Japanese. Russia beginning of XXc. (wood, tempera, levkas, silver, enamel). 3. The mace of a hetman and dresser granted by Ekatenna II to ataman of the…