Stage plan by director V.L. Nardov-Knipper.
Stage plan by director V.L. Nardov-Knipper for the performance of Rimsky-Korsakov`s opera “The Tsar`s Bride” by the Conservatoire opera studio.
Stage plan by director V.L. Nardov-Knipper for the performance of Rimsky-Korsakov`s opera “The Tsar`s Bride” by the Conservatoire opera studio.
Vladimir Leonidovich Nardov-Knipper (1876-1942), singer, producing director of the opera studio (1923-1941). Meried Artist of the Conseervatoire National Studio.
Alexander Borisovich Khessin (1865-1955), composer, conductor. Taught in class of opera studio (1935-1941, sicne 1939 – professor), artistic director of the opera studio (1936-1938). Merited Art Worker of the RSFSR.