A.M. Gorki and Romein Rolland.
A.M. Gorki and Romein Rolland in the country-house in Gorky. July. 1935.
A.M. Gorki and Romein Rolland in the country-house in Gorky. July. 1935.
A.M. Gorki and Stefan Zweig. Sorrento. 1930
A.M. Gorki and M.E. Koltsov at the congress, devoted to the tenth anniversary of “Soviet book”. Moscow. 1929.
A.M. Gorki and A.V. Lunacharsky. Moscow. 1929.
A.M. Gorki and A.S. Makarenko. Kuryazh. 1928.
A.M. Gorki, K.P. Pyatnisky, S.G. Skitaletz (Petrov). Nizhni Novgorod. 1900-1901.
A.M. Gorki and I Ulianova in the club of the “Pravda”. Moscow. 1928.