4th September 2019, Vladivostok – The first working meeting of the Northern Sea Route (NSR) Public Council took place at the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) at the Maritime State University (MSU) named after admiral G.I. Nevelskiy in Vladivostok.

The meeting was attended by ROSATOM Director General Alexey Likhachev, Director for the NSR Directorate Vyacheslav Ruksha, PAO Sovcomflot CEO Sergey Frank, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines Executive Vice President Takeshi Hashimoto, Nordic Bulk Carriers Singapore Office General Manager Thomas Lindgren Jensen, Stena Bulk AB Managing Director Mats Karlsson, Tschudi Shipping Company Chairman of the Board Felix Tschudi, CNPC Representative Office Head Chang Fuquan, Total S.A. Country Chair for Russia Arnaud Le Fall and Topaz Energy & Marine CEO Rene Kofod Olsen. In addition, representatives of the federal executive and legislative authorities, large Russian and international companies operating in the region, scientists, public organisations and the media were also present.
Alexey Likhachev, who gave the welcoming speech at the event, stated: “Within the framework of the federal project “Northern Sea Route”, the appropriate set of measures has been taken to achieve the annual target cargo flow of 80 million tons by 2024. We have no doubt that we will cope with this task and create infrastructure that will include the Arctic Icebreaker Fleet, satellite communications, emergency means of rescue, Port Fleet and digital shipping services. In August of this year, a contract was signed for the construction of the third and fourth serial universal nuclear icebreakers in addition to the three under construction in St. Petersburg. “
On the same day the General Director of ‘ROSATOM Cargo’ A.N. Neklyudov, the President of the KOMERI (Marine Technology Research Institute of Korea) Kong Gil Young and the Executive Director of the Korean logistics company Sinokor, Lim Sam Seob signed a multilateral agreement on cooperation.
The founding meeting of the Northern Sea Route (NSR) Public Council took place aboard the nuclear icebreaker “Arktika” on the 6th June 2019 in Saint Petersburg.
For reference:
The NSR Public Council aims to create a platform for an open expert decision-making panel on the best solutions for developing the Northern Sea Route, taking into account best international practices. The NSR Public Council is an initiative spearheaded by the State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM, which, in accordance with Presidential Decree, performs the functions of a single infrastructure operator for the development of the Northern Sea Route.
ROSATOM is the only company in the world to offer integrated clean energy solutions across the nuclear supply chain and beyond, including design, construction and operation of nuclear power stations, uranium mining, conversion and enrichment, supply of nuclear fuel, decommissioning, spent fuel storage and transportation and safe nuclear waste disposal. With 70 years’ continuous experience, the company is the world leader in high-performance solutions for all kinds of nuclear power plants. It is also working in the segments of wind generation, nuclear medicine, energy storage and other. Headquartered in Moscow, the company brings together over 300 enterprises and organizations and over 250,000 employees. Globally, the company has the second biggest uranium reserves, has more than a third of the world’s enrichment market, and is the world’s biggest builder of the latest generation nuclear power stations and US$133 billion 10-years export order book.