
The time in Moscow and Saint-Petersburg is GMT +3 hours. In Russia there are 11 time zones. All over the territory of the country the clocks are moved to the summer time (put forward for 1 hour) on the last Sunday of March, and to the winter time (put back for 1 hour) on the last Saturday of October.



The national currency of Russia is ruble, equaling 100 ko-peyka(s). Exchanging the currency (into dollars or euro) is possible in banks and exchange offices.



The official holidays

January the 1 st is the New Year

January the 7th is the Orthodox Christmas

February the 23rd is the Defender of the Motherland Day

March the 8th is the International Women’s Day

May the 1 st is the Holiday of Spring and Labour

June the 12th is the Day of Russia

November the 4th is the Day of National Unity



In case of fire – 01 Police – 02 Ambulance – 03 Rescue-937-99-11


International dialing

8 + 10 + country code + city code + telephone number


Internal dialing

8+ city code + telephone number




Tel. code 495

Information service: 232 22 38

Flight service informationfall airports): 941 9999


Saint Petersburg

City code: 812


Pulkovo Airport: 704 38 22


Medical service

For the entrance to Russia it is necessary to have an insurance of 15000S. If you need help, you may dial “03” , (round the clock)


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