Travelling into the centuries


The perfect opportunity to explore an ancient Russia is to start the journey along the Golden Ring, the most popular travel destination.

During the years of its existence millions of people have made this symbolic circle, where the ancient cities of the Central Russia are united. All of them considered to be a treasure-house of Russian culture.



There are different cities by its size and importance in Golden Ring, such as majestic Vladimir, the ex-capital of the ancient Russia, the tiny Myshkin with the population of several thousand citizens. Besides, there are majestic Suzdal, Sergiev Posad, Rostov Velikiy, Yaroslavl, Kostroma,etc. Most of them are situated on the river banks. Comers could combine excursus to the history of the ancient Russia with the interesting river cruise. The heart of Golden Ring is the Vladimir-and Suzdalsky Reserve, which combines several towns and villages at the same time.



Golden Ring cities show to its visitors the numerous masterpieces of the Old Russian architecture both white-bricked and wooden. One can explore the history of the Old Russian icon-painting through the extant ancient frescoes and icons. Tremendous number of monasteries, Christian places and cathedrals attract the attention of numbers of pilgrims. Museums acquaint with the history of a region, way of life of the citizens of old times. The models of old antique art crafts is shown at different expositions, among them works of skilled lace-makers and jewellers, vanished miniature and painting over the enamel (finift), wood and bone engraving, ceramics.



There are the museums which exist only in some cities and never else. Besides, each of the cities and the towns of Golden Ring keeps a wonderful antique atmosphere. Except the sightseeings, you can just walk along the narrow streets with the wooden houses. It will be pleasant to admire the picturesque silhouettes of churches and the peaked bell towers, which is drawn in details against gardens and yards background.




We will begin our trip along this wonderful ring from the spiritual centre of Russia — Sergiev Posad and will continue in the ancient capital of Vladimir.

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