Russia Says 6K Foreign Fighters Killed in Ukraine

Russia said Thursday that its forces have killed nearly 6,000 foreign volunteers fighting on the side of Ukraine since Moscow’s full-scale invasion over two years ago. According to the Defense Ministry, 13,387 “foreign mercenaries” from dozens of countries have fought in Ukraine since February 2022. Overall, Russian forces have killed 5,962 of those volunteer fighters, it…

Bread Rolls and Dyson Hair Stylers: Russia Lures Voters With Election Day Freebies

Local officials across Russia have been doubling down on efforts to encourage the public to vote in this weekend’s presidential election as the Kremlin seeks a historic turnout for President Vladimir Putin’s expected re-election.  In addition to pressuring public sector workers and employees of state-linked companies into casting a ballot, officials are also trying to…

Russia Bans Entry to 227 Americans for ‘Anti-Russian’ Actions

Russia has banned entry to 227 U.S. citizens, the Foreign Ministry in Moscow announced Thursday. The Foreign Ministry accused the banned individuals of playing a role in steering Washington’s “Russophobic policies” and being directly involved in “anti-Russian actions.” The latest additions to Russia’s “stop list” include State Department spokesman Matthew Miller, former U.S. Ambassador to…

Police Search Homes of Nadezhdin Campaign Volunteers in Southern Russia

Law enforcement agents have searched the homes of several volunteers from ex-presidential hopeful Boris Nadezhdin’s campaign team in southern Russia, the online news outlet Caucasian Knot reported Thursday. The police searches were carried out on Tuesday and Wednesday in the southern Russian city of Stavropol, local Nadezhdin campaign manager Alexander Korovayny told the outlet, adding that he believed…

The prospects for the development of the rare earth metals industry will be discussed at ATOMEXPO-2024

Speakers will present key global trends and opportunities for international cooperation and raw material independence of the Russian industry. Rosatom Mining Division will organize a panel session Production of Rare Earth Metals: Global Demand and National Challenges on March 25 at the International Forum ATOMEXPO-2024. It will be attended by Evgeny Petrov, Head of the…

The development of Generation IV reactor technologies as an integral part of the nuclear power system will be discussed at ATOMEXPO-2024

International market requirements for promising technologies will be analyzed in the discussion. Panel discussion Generation IV: Real Now will be held on March 25, as part of the XIII International Forum ATOMEXPO-2024 in Sochi.  The event will be attended by representatives of industry and international organizations, as well as foreign experts from China, Indonesia and…