Self-portrait. 1830. Pencil on paper. 11,2×17,3 Literature Museum. Moscow June 21, 2010Tags: battlepiecesbook illustrationcalligraphycaricaturesdrawingsfigured versesLandscapesportraitspostersSelf-portraitSelf-portraits Author: admin Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Portrait of V.Zhukovsky. 1810NextNext post:Landscape with a house. 1830Related postsA bull. 1830June 21, 2010A horse. The 1820s.June 21, 2010Napoleon. The 1820sJune 21, 2010Landscape with horses. 1830June 21, 2010Landscape with a house. 1830June 21, 2010Portrait of V.Zhukovsky. 1810June 21, 2010