September 30, 2011Tags: 5 July-23 August 1943Battle of Kursk Author: admin Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Encirclement of German troops at Stalingrad. 19-30 November 1942NextNext post:Liberation of the Right Bank Ukraine and the Crimea. 24 December 1943-12 May 1944Related postsAA Dejneka (1899-1969). The defense of Sevastopol. 1942April 30, 2013Defeat of Japanese Кwantung Army. 9 August-2 September 1945September 30, 2011East Prussian Offensive Operation. 13 January-26 April 1945September 30, 2011Baltic Offensive Operation. 14 September-22 October 1944September 30, 2011Defeat of Central Nazi Grouping in Byelorussia. 23 June-29 August 1944September 30, 2011Liberation of the Right Bank Ukraine and the Crimea. 24 December 1943-12 May 1944September 30, 2011