On June 14, 2022, the rating agency Expert RA confirmed that JSC Atomenergoprom’s (a part of ROSATOM) bonds comply with the “green” bonds issue principles and “green” financial instrument criteria.
The agency’s release says: “Following the methodology of the second party opinion on compliance of bonds with the green bond principles, Expert RA confirms that the issue of bonds series 001R-01 of Joint Stock Company “Atomic Energy Power Corporation”, which is placed under the 001R series listed bonds program, are compliant and will comply with the green bonds principles (GBP) of the International Commercial Markets Association (ICMA), the criteria of the green financial instrument in accordance with Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1587 of 21.09.2021 “On Approval of criteria of sustainable (including green) development projects in the Russian Federation and requirements for the verification system of sustainable (including green) development projects in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter PP No. 1587 of 21.09.2021) until their redemption”.
It is also noted that “the bonds are fully met the basic criteria of the green investment principles, namely: use of resources, project selection procedure and transparency of the issuer at the preliminary stage, booking separateness, information disclosure”.