The floating nuclear power plant (FNPP, a branch of Rosenergoatom, Joint-Stock Company, Rosatom’s Electric Power division), has generated its first billion kilowatt-hours of electricity for the isolated power grid of the Chaun-Bilibino energy hub in the Chukotka Autonomous Region.

Currently, the share of electricity generated by the floating nuclear power plant in the Chukotka energy hub (serves western Chukotka and the village of Chersky in Yakutia) exceeds 60 %. The FNPP increases its output each year and exceeded the annual target set by the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) each of the past few years.
The plant is preparing to celebrate its first anniversary in May 2025, marking five years since it began commercial operations. “The past year was a landmark for the FNPP. The FNPP first fuel campaign was successfully completed in Arctic conditions, which was a challenge we overcame. I attribute this success primarily to the effective planning and coordinated work of the plant personnel. One special thing about our work is that some of the personnel work on a rotating schedule, while others work 5,000 kilometers away in the continental Russia, and the rest are permanently based in Pevek. It should be noted that non-conventional approaches to work have been an essential part of the FNPP project from the very beginning. The professionalism and high potential of the employees, as well as the strength and valuable contributions of each member, teamwork and cooperation have led to impressive results,” said Natalia Tarasova, Deputy HR Director at the FNPP.