Filigree jeweller Nina Sokolova. June 16, 2010Tags: Filigree jewellerNina Sokolova Author: admin Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Ivan Orlov, Filigree metal plaque The North.NextNext post:Nina Sokolova, Filigree coppergilt piece The Tsar Bell.Related postsPond in the Village of KrasnoyeJune 16, 2010Valery Maryin, Filigree metal pendant Autumn.June 16, 2010Nina Sokolova, Filigree coppergilt ornamental composiĀtion A Troika CoachJune 16, 2010Nina Sokolova, Filigree coppergilt piece The Tsar Bell.June 16, 2010Ivan Orlov, Filigree metal plaque The North.June 16, 2010Piotr Chulkov, Filigree metal ornamental composition, The Volga Ladle.June 16, 2010