L.N. Oborin, A.F. Goedicke, K.N. Igumnov, V.Ya. Shebalin, N. Ya. Myakovsky, D.F. Oistrakh.
L.N. Oborin, A.F. Goedicke, K.N. Igumnov, V.Ya. Shebalin, N. Ya. Myakovsky and D.F. Oistrakh (1946).
L.N. Oborin, A.F. Goedicke, K.N. Igumnov, V.Ya. Shebalin, N. Ya. Myakovsky and D.F. Oistrakh (1946).
A. Kostomolotsky`s frendly caricature featuring the winners at the International Chopin Competition in Warsaw (1927) L.N. Oborin (Its prixe), G.R. Ginzburg (4th prize) and their teachers K.N. Igumnov and A.B. Goldenweiser.