Tag: Prospect Obukhovskoi Oborony

  • Prospect Obukhovskoi Oborony, 107.

    In 1894—1906 this building housed the Smolensk Sunday Evening Classes for the workers of the Nevskaya Zastava. The Social-Democrats N. K. Krupskaya, P. F. Kudelly and L. M. Knipovich were among the teachers. The classes became a conspirative centre of Marxist propaganda. Many of the pupils of the school, among them I. V. Babushkin, the…

  • Nevsky House of Culture: Prospect Obukhovskoi Oborony, 105.

    The House of Culture is in the midst of new blocks of buildings. It was erected in 1928 by the architect S. Y. Ovsyannikov — at the time when major building projects started developing in the former suburbs of the city. In front of the House of Culture, designed by the sculptor L. M. Kholina…