Tag: Volgograd

  • Volgograd

    EN Going up the Don, the ship crosses the Rostov Region boundary and goes on cruising in the neighbour Volgograd region till the city of Volgograd (former Stalingrad). Volgograd today is a big industrial, administrative, cultural and educational centre. Moreover, Volgograd is a monument city. Buildings of tsarist Russia, memorials of historic events, memorial places…

  • Planetarium

  • Hero city

    In 1941 the Russia was attacked by fascist Germany. The fascist hordes invaded deeply on the Russian territory and rushed for the Volga in summer, 1942. And the heroic city on the Volga played an outstanding role in the history of the country for the second lime. The great battle of Stalingrad rumbled for 200…

  • Tsatitsyn-Stalingrad-Volgograd.

    History A fortress was built on a sleep bank of the Volga in the 16th century. It was named Tsaritayn. In the course of three centuries the fortress on the Volga beat back the attacks of nomads. Its advantageous territorial position on a water artery, the closeness of (he sources of raw materials and consumption…