S. Gorodetsky (1884-1967)
Caricature (I. Repin and K. Chukovsky) from the comical manuscript magazine “Okolo Kuok-kala”. 1914. Watercolour on paper. 35.7×22. DeĀposited in a private collection.
Caricature (I. Repin and K. Chukovsky) from the comical manuscript magazine “Okolo Kuok-kala”. 1914. Watercolour on paper. 35.7×22. DeĀposited in a private collection.
Sketch of book-cover. The 1930s. Watercolour. India ink and pen on coloured paper. 14×13.5 Central State Archives of Literature and Art. Moscow.
Dedication page of “Folklore Tales”, 1920. Watercolour. India ink and pen on paper. 26.5×20.5. Central State Archives of Literature and Art. Moscow.