Unit 2 of Novovoronezh Phase II with a Generation III+ reactor has started the stage of pilot commercial operation (PCO). The plant is a branch of the Rosenergoatom Concern JSC which is part of Power Division of ROSATOM.
PCO is part of the set of activities to put the plant in operation. It consists of four sub-stages: operation at 50% power capacity, operation at 75% of power capacity, operation at nominal power (includes stages of operation at 90% and 100% levels) as well as comprehensive testing of the equipment (commissioning trials) of the power unit and its acceptance for operation.
Unit 2 of Novovoronezh Phase II was first connected to the grid (first power) on May 1, 2019. Unit 2 received the commissioning permit for PCO from Rostechnadzor on May 3, 2019. This was followed by equipment testing in different modes and bringing the unit to 50% power.
The PCO stage will end after successful testing at all power levels, including the nominal power (100%) and completion of all commissioning trials of the power unit. This will be followed by an inspection of Rostechnadzor of the completed power unit for the design conformance and by issue of the corresponding statement. Unit 2 is expected to be put in commercial operation late 2019.
For reference:
The Architect General of Unit 2 of Novovoronezh Phase II is JSC Atomenergoproekt; General Contractor is ASE, the Engineering Division of ROSATOM.