Russia Labels Moscow Times a ‘Foreign Agent’

Russia has added The Moscow Times to its list of “foreign agents” alongside several other journalists and activists, the Justice Ministry announced Friday. Russia’s “foreign agents” registry, launched in 2012 in response to similar legislation in the United States, has been disproportionately used to target independent journalists, activists and NGOs in recent years. The “foreign agents”…

Are You Liberated or Independent?

Независимость: independence, self-sufficiency In the part of the world I’m in, November seems to be particularly rich in state holidays of independence. In the Russian language these holidays are sometimes of освобождение (liberty, freedom) and sometimes of независимость (independence, freedom). So what’s the difference? Освобождение (freedom) is related to the verb pair освобождать/освободить, which means…

Kazakhstan Arrests Yakutian Activist for 1 Year Over Kremlin’s Extradition Request

A court in Kazakhstan’s largest city Almaty has ordered Yakutian anti-war activist and musician Aykhal Ammosov to one year of extradition arrest, his lawyer said on social media.  “I’m not surprised [by this decision],” Ammosov’s lawyer Murat Adam wrote on Instagram on Thursday.  Ammosov, a Russian national hailing from the republic of Sakha (Yakutia), was…

Business Leaders Voice Alarm to Putin Over ‘Frightening’ Nationalizations – Vedomosti

Dozens of Russian business leaders expressed alarm to President Vladimir Putin about the “frightening” number of nationalizations that have taken place since the invasion of Ukraine, the Vedomosti business daily reported Friday, citing four anonymous sources familiar with their late-night meeting this week. One of the sources told the publication that while “everyone understands the…