This is in excess of the plan by more than 250 th. tons.
The cargo traffic rate via the Northern Sea Route (NSR) in 2023 was clarified, it amounted to 36.254 mln. tons. Thus, the target value was exceeded by more than 250 th. tons.
“It became possible to achieve record-breaking cargo traffic parameters due to our partners – first of all, NOVATEC PJSC whose liquefied natural gas made over a half of the cargo traffic. Gazpromneft PJSC, LUKOIL PJSC, Nornickel PJSC diverting their cargoes from the Western direction to the Eastern one also played an important role in increase of the cargo carriage volume. As a result, we achieved the scheduled value of 36 mln. tons even before the New Year”, – Alexey Likhachev, Director General of ROSATOM, said.

“We were able not only to return the transit traffic via the NSR to the level of 2021, but also to achieve the new historical maximum. In 2023 the transit traffic will be 2 mln. 129 th. tons. Oil was the main cargo: 1.5 mln. tons were transported, iron-ore concentrate accounted for about 350 th. tons, Gazprom also sent a vessel with liquefied natural gas in the amount of 70 th. tons, and LC Mining sent a ship with 70 th. tons as well. The transit cargo traffic is a marker of the Northern Sea Route popularity, that is why its increase is the most important result from the viewpoint of maritime logistic business”, – Vladimir Panov, Special Representative of ROSATOM for Development of the Arctic Region, said.
Growing interest of foreign shipping companies to the Northern Sea Route should be also noted. “NewNew Shipping Line, a Chinese shipping company, contacted us with the request for escorting and support of their voyages along the Northern Sea Route. They bought vessels of the low Arctic class and had already made eight voyages in 2023 transporting almost 100 th. tons of cargoes. The Chinese ports as well as Arkhangelsk, St. Petersburg and Murmansk were the final destinations. This is an example when the international business converts a new opportunity without waiting for complex political decisions”, – Vyacheslav Ruksha, Deputy Director General – Director of the Northern Sea Route Directorate of ROSATOM, said.
Popularity and safety of the route are increasing. 1218 permits for navigation in the water area of the Northern Sea Route were issued in 2023 (for comparison, 1163 in 2022), including 115 for foreign companies (55 in 2022). 80 transit voyages passed along the NSR (47 in 2022). Large vessels of the ice-free class were escorted twice along the Northern Sea Route in August and October: the bulk carrier Gingo and the bulk carrier Platos passed along the NSR from Murmansk to the Chinese ports of Quingdao and Dalian. Besides, three regular coastal voyages were performed in 2023 along the Northern Sea Route from the North-Western part of Russia to the Far East regions and back.