On 01.09.2019, hydraulic tests of primary circuit systems and equipment for strength and tightness under 24,5 MPa pressure were successfully completed at Belarus NPP Unit 1 (General Designer and General Contractor is ASE, Engineering Division of ROSATOM).

High availability of the unit has given us the opportunity to perform the hot pressure test of pipelines and equipment of the primary circuit at A-1 sub-stage ‘Equipment test and trial’ of stage-wise program of the precommissioning activities at Unit 1, noted Vitaliy Polianin, Vice-President – Director for Belarus NPP construction project, JSC ASE EC when speaking about the moment. Tests took a little over one day and were performed virtually in the same breath – some minor observations were eliminated in the course of pressure buildup while performing under the program.
Currently, the specialists have begun tests of safety systems for the sealed primary circuit, which were also shifted from A-3.1 sub-stage, then, pipelines and equipment of the secondary circuit will undergo hydraulic tests for strength and tightness under 11,5 MPa pressure, which are scheduled for the first ten days of September.
For reference:
Belarus NPP equipped with 2 VVER-1200 reactors making 2400 MW in total is being constructed according to the Russian 3+ generation design that fully complies with the safety related international standards and recommendations of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
ASE (ROSATOM State Corporation Engineering Division) was established by integration of the leading companies of the industry: ASE EC JSC (Nizhny Novgorod), Atomstroyexport JSC (Moscow), Atomenergoproekt JSC (Moscow) and ATOMPROEKT JSC (Saint-Petersburg). ASE is one of the global leaders in nuclear power engineering holding about 30% of the global NPP construction market. The Engineering Division operates in Europe, Middle East, North Africa and the Pacific region.
Foreign projects account for about 80% of the portfolio. ASE implements design and construction projects for high-power NPPs, it renders a full range of EPC, EPC(M) services and develops Multi-D technologies for management of complex engineering facilities.