On August 27 two representatives of ROSATOM ascended the top tier at the closing ceremony of the 45th “Young Professionals” (WorldSkills Russia) National Competition in Kazan.
Vladislav Rosov, an engineer at JSC NIIGraphit and a third-grade student of NRNU MEPhI, won the gold medal in the competence “Production of Items of Polymeric Materials”. Being guided by an international expert Artur Gareev, Vladislav outflanked rivals from Brazil, China and Indonesia scoring 726 points.
Dmitry Titov, an operator at JSC Consist-OS (a subsidiary of Rosenergoatom Concern JSC), and Viktor Legostaev, an engineer at FSAEE of HE “Tyumen State University “, won the gold medal in the competence “Information Security”. They gained 749 points leaving behind representatives from China, Brazil and Singapore.
Nikita Norkin, an electrical engineer, and Salavat Yusupov, an I&C fitter, from FSUE PA Mayak, were awarded medallions of excellence in the competence “Mechatronics”. They gained 719 points.

Dina Kalinina, Head of Personnel Development Management at JSC Atomenergomash, operated as an international expert in the competence “Carpentry”. Her supervisee, Daniil Sinitsin, was awarded a medallion of excellence gaining 711 points.
On the whole, at the championship Russia’s National Team won 14 gold, 4 silver and 4 bronze medals as well as 25 medallions of excellence and won the second place in the medal ranking. China’s National Team took the first place, while the third place went to South Korea’s National Team.
The day before, August 26, the winners of the competitions FutureSkills (competitions in future trades in demand in high technology productions and digital economy) were awarded. The nuclear industry representatives took part in 11 of 25 competences and won 3 gold, 7 silver and 1 bronze medals (in 10 competences). In particular, Romam Berestov, a representative of NRNU MEPhI, guided by expert Sergey Klimanov, took the first golden medal in the competence “Neurointerface Design”. The second gold medal was won in the team competence “Life Cycle Management” where participants were: Dmitry Birin, Aleksandr Bolshakov, Pavel Ovsyannikov and Aleksei Vilensky from OKBM Afrikantov; Olga Avdyunina from Balakovo NPP; Aleksandr Bogomolov from FSUE PA Mayak; Yulia Novikova from FSUE Elektrokhimpribor Combine; Ekaterina Vodogreeva from JSC Atomenergoremont, as well as expert Anton Valov from JSC NIKIMT-Atomstroy. The third gold medal was won by Anisia Klimenko (NRNU MEPhI) in the competence “Quantum Technology”. The seven silver awards were given in the following competences: “Fast Prototyping” – Pavel Smekhov and expert Maksim Dergachev, FSUE Elektrokhimpribor Combine; “Quantum Technology” – Violetta Sharoglazova and expert-compatriot Tatiana Kazieva, NRNU MEPhI; “Corporate Protection from Inside Threats to Information Security” – Anton Biserov and expert Sofia Romanova, FSUE PSZ; “Computer-based Education and Big Data” – Dmitry Raspopov and expert-compatriot Pavel Belousov, NRNU MEPhI; “Agricultural Biotechnology” – Denis Baldov and expert Dmitry Sosin, IATE NRNU MEPhI; “BIM Buildings Information Technology” – Veronika Zamanova and Dmitry Kuzmenkov, JSC Atomproekt; “Technology of Composites” – Anna Shumakova and Vladimir Yudaev, JSC NIIGraphit. Bronze medals in the competence “Development of Virtual and Augmented Reality” were given to Dmitry Khomyakov, Pavel Kiryukhin and expert Vladislav Romanenko (all from NRNU MEPhI).
On August 27, during his meeting with ROSATOM’s team at the championship site, Director General of ROSATOM Alexey Likhachev congratulated the participants on the top result. “You are well done! You filled in your names not only in the ROSATOM’s history but also in the history of the professional skills movement in Russia. Thank you for the valued contribution in our country’s authority,” he emphasized.
The Championship framed the business program events. The platform gathered together politicians, researchers, industrial partners, heads of educational establishments and representatives of development institutions to discuss economic and technological trends, issues of development of the professional training systems and labor market transformation. Discussions were focused at global challenges and macro-regional issues of staff supplies to the future economy. The national track of the business program was organized for the first time in the history of the movement. Leaders of changes were selected and teams for implementing development projects of the national education eco-system were composed on the basis of competition. Winners of the competitive selection acquired access to the best world practices and expertise as well as the possibility to visit WorldSkills Conference 2019. In the framework of the national track, the additional working format was set up. It allowed the participants to focus on working on the development projects and implementation of the best world practices in the national training system.
“The staff gap” globally studied jointly by BCG, ROSATOM and WorldSkills Russia became the main topic of the session “Professional Development 2030”. The event participants shared best solutions to how to work with the personnel which allow for the smooth transition of a country to the economy of the future. HR Director of ROSATOM Tatiana Terentieva told about experience and plans of ROSATOM in that respect. The session “Thinking of the Green Economy: What Skills Needed” discussed the staff development for ensuring sustainable production and systemic overcoming of environmental challenges. Head of International Business Department of ROSATOM Boris Ageev stressed that even before the lean attitudes to the environment had become an important topic of the international agenda and the mere notion of “green skills” appeared ROSATOM determined for itself the fundamental principles of work: environmental responsibility and man-serving behavior.
ROSATOM also arranged for “a business program” for juniors – TeenPower by Rosatom. It gave youth participants of the Championship a possibility to take part in workshops on trade selection and, on the whole, search of their own way, to speak in the “free mike” zone in TED-conferences format, attend lectures, take part in shooting a youth film and many other activities aimed at disclosing youth gifts. The TeenPower by Rosatom became the center of attraction for all active and inquisitive children and youth: over four days more than 30 young lectors of 12 to 17 years old from Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Kazan, Ufa delivered 40 lectures and master classes. The TeenPower project has materialized the man-serving behavior of ROSATOM in working with the future staff aiming at disclosure of each individual potential.