Students-composers, who constituted the Production Collective of the Moscow Conservatoire. First row: M.V. Koval, D.A. Rabinovich, V.A. Bely, D. Gachev. Second row: Yu. V. Keldysh, L.N. Lebedinsky, S.A. Krylova, L.L. Kaltat. Third row: A. A. Davidenko, A.A. Solovtsov, S.I. Korev, N. Ya. Vygodsky, B.S. Stinpress (1927).
Tags: A.A. SolovtsovB.S. Stinpress (1927)D. Gachev. Second row: Yu. V. KeldyshD.A. RabinovichL.L. Kaltat. Third row: A. A. DavidenkoL.N. LebedinskyN. Ya. VygodskyS.A. KrylovaS.I. KorevStudents-composersV.A. Belywho constituted the Production Collective of the Moscow Conservatoire. First row: M.V. Koval