A.B. Goldenweiser`s pupils.

A.B. Goldenweiser`s pupils – professors and pedagogues of the Conservatoire – on their teacher`s 80th birthday (1955). First row: Ye.N. Buchstab, M.M. Mirzoyeva, S.Ye. Feinberg, Ya.Ya. Kolyuzhnaya, A.B. Goldenweiser, L.M. Levinson, F.S. Petrova, S.V. Yevseev, Ye.K. Levinson, R.I. Zhiv. Second row: I.P.Klyachko, G.M. Dinor, M.G. Sokolov, A.S. Shereshevsky, V.V. Nechayev, N.V. Tumanina, G.R. Ginzburg, D.B.…