Nizhny Novgorod region

Time zone — GMT + 3, Moscow time zone. Climate: moderate continental, average temperature in winter – 10°C, average temperature in summer + 25°C. Nizhny Novgorod is the capital of the Volga federal district and a regional center. Nizhny Novgorod is at 400 km away from Moscow and at 1,200 km away from St. Petersburg.…

Tourist routes

We can offer a great number of various tourist routes, many of them of them a allow combinations to be made. Two – and three – day routes that cover the northern and the southern parts of the region are most popular with tourists.   Bogorodsk – Pavlovo – Kazakovo     This route starts…


Bor Nizhny Novgorod Satelitte Вor on the picturesque left-hand bank of the Volga is only 19 kilometers far from Nizhny Novgorod. Bor was first mentioned in chronicles in the 13th century under the name of Vezlomskaya Sloboda, which was founded in the mouth of the Vezloma river. Later Kopytovskaya Sloboda and Nikolskaya Sloboda joined it.…