Trocadero Place in Paris.
Trocadero Place in Paris, were held during the World Exhibition (1878).
Trocadero Place in Paris, were held during the World Exhibition (1878).
N.G. Rubinstein. The portrait painted by V.G. Perov.
P.I. Tchaikovsky. First Piano Concerto. Cover of the first edition.
Programme of the Conservatoire students’ perfomance of the opera Der Freischutz, which took place on N.G. Rubinstain’s name- day, by tradition marked by the Conservatoire (1875).
Programme of the students’ evening – party, when fragments from dramatic plays and symphonic music were performed. 1874.
Giacomo (Yakov Nickolayevich) Galvani (1825-1889), singer. Professor of solo singing (1869-1887).
P.A. Khokhov and M.M. Karyakin, pupils of A.D. Alexandrova Kochetova.
P.I. Tchaikovsky’s letter to A.D. Alexandrova Kochetova.
Alexandra Dormidontova Alexandrova Kochetova (1833-1902), singer, professor of solo (1866-1880).
P.I. Tchaikovsky. Flagment from Andante cantabile – the second movement of the First Quartet. Autograph.
Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev (1818-1883), writer. The portrait painted by V.G. Petrov.
Lev Nickolayevich Tolstoy (1828-1910), writer. The photograph gifted by Tolstoy to the Conservatoire.
Wilhem (Vassily Fyodorovich) Fitzentagen (1848-1890), German cellist. Professor of cello (1870-1890).
Karl Klingworth (1830-18-1916), German pianist, conductor. Professor of piano and chamber ensemble (1868-1881).
Adolf Davidovich Brodsky (1851-1929), violinist. Teacher of violin (1874-1878).
Teatralnaya Square in Moscow. Moscow: the Bolshoi Theater (centre) and the Maly Theater (the 1860s).
Scene from M. I. Glinka’s opera “A Life for the Tsar”. (Ivan Susanin) performed by the Conservatoire students (1869).
Sergei Vassilyevich Shumsky (1821-1878) dramatic actor. Teacher of scenic art (1868-1872).
H. Berlioz’s autograph on the blackboard in the Conservatoire.
H. Berlioz’s letter to N.G. Rubinstein. Autograph.
Hector Berlioz (1803-1869), French composer, conductor, author of literary writings on music.
Playbill announcing H.Berlioz’s concert at the Manege (Exerzishaus) building.
The first Honours’ Board at the Conservatorie.
Prince Vorontsov’s house in Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street, where the Conservatorie located since 1871.
Nickolai Albertovich Hubert (1840-1888), music figure. Professor of the theory of music (1870-1888), director (1881-1883).
Herman Avgustovich Laroche (1845-1904), music critic, composer. Professor of the theory and history of music (1867-1870, 1883-1886).
P.I. Tchaikovsky’s pupils at his classes of free composition, harmony and instrumentation constituted the first Students’ Quartet of the Moscow Conservatoire.
Pyotr Ivanovich Jurgenson (1836-1903) founder (1861) and proprietor of P. Jurgenson Music Publishers House (now Muzyka Publishers) and Russia, member of the Directorate, comission agent and attorey to the Moscow Branch of the Russian Music Siciety.
Sergei Ivanovich Taneyev (1856-1915), pupil of P. I. Tchaikovsky, composer, pianist, conductor, music and public figure. Teacher of musical theory, composition and piano (1878-1905, since 1881- professor), director (1885-1889)
Pyotr Iljich Tchaikovsky. Music Feuilletons and Notes. The title page of the first edition. Many of Tchaikovsky’s articles dealt with the concert recitals of professors and students of the Moscow Conservatorie.
Pyotr Iljich Tchaikovsky. A Practical Guide for Studying Harmony. The first page. Autograph.
Pyotr Iljich Tchaikovsky. The Concise Textbook On Harmony. Title page. Autograph.
The Conservatoire’s class- room for theory of music lessons, in which P.I. Tchaikovsky teught in the 1870s
Pyotr Iljich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893), composer, conductor, music critic, music and public figure. Professor of theory music and free composition (1866-1878).
N.G. Rubinstain (in centre) and H.A. Loroche (sitting first from left) amongst the Russian Music Society leaders.
Berhnard Cossmann (1822-1910), German cellist. Professor of cello (1866-1870).
Anton Karlovich Door (1833-1899), Austrian pianist. Professor of piano (1866-1869).
Ferdind Laub (1832-1875), Czech violinist, composer. Professor of violin (1866-1874).
Alexander Ivanovich Djubjuk (1812-1897) pianist. Professor of piano (1866-1869).
The minutes of the first session of the Conservatoire Council of Professors held on the 27th of September, 1866. In French.
Cover of the vocal score edition of M. I. Glinka’s opera Ruslan and Lydmila.
Vladimir Fyodorovich Odoyevsky (1804-1869), writer, composer, music and public figure. One of the first directors of the Russian Music Society.
Рouse at the crossroad of Vozdvizhena Street and Arbatsky Thoroughtfire , where the Moscow Conservatoire located from 1866 to 1871 (has not survived. There is a square in this place now, near the movie Khudozhestvenny).
House in Mokhovaya Street, where the Music Classes of the Russian Music Society located (1864).
Announcement about lessons at the Music Class.
K. Klindworth’s letter to N.G. Rubinstein. The last page. Autograph.
A. Door’s letter to N.G. Rubinstein. Autograph.
Clara Josephine Schumann (nee Wieck, 1819-1896), German pianist.
Richard Wagher (1813-1883), German composer, conductor and author of literary writing.
Playbill of the first symphonic sobranye (concert) at the Moscow Branch of the Russian Music Society (1960).
Henrik Wieniawski (1835-1880), Polish violinist, composer.
The building of the Russian Nobility Assembly in Moscow. Lithography (middle of the XIX century).
Karl (Konstantin) Karlovich Albrecht (1836-1893) cellist, music figure. Inspector and teacher of compulsory classes in theory of music and solfege (1866-1889), acting director (1883-1885).
Nickolai Dmitriyevich Kashkin (1839-1920), music critic, historian and theorist of music. Professor of theory, history of music, piano (1866-1894).
Eduard Leontyevich Langer (1836-1905), pianist, composer. Teacher of piano, organ and elementary theory of music (1866-1905).
Nickolai Grigorevch Rubinstein (1835-1881), pianist, conductor, music and public figure, founder and first direcror of the Music Classes in Moscow (1860-1865) and of the Moscow Conservatoire (18866-1881).
Lace maker Galina Mamrovskaya, Lenin Komsomol Prize Winner.
Galina Mamrovskaya, Detail of the bobbin-lace runner A Twig in linen and thick cotton threads. 1977 Reserve of the Snezhinka Association, Vologda.