Severstal appoits Albert Lyaskovsky as Director for Labour Protectio, Idustrial Safety ad Evirometal Protectio

October 8, 2020 PAO Severstal, one of the world’s largest vertically integrated steel and mining companies, announces the appointment of Albert Lyaskovsky as Director for Labour Protection, Industrial Safety and Environmental Protection. Mr Lyaskovsky will be responsible for overseeing enhanced labour safety standards across all of Severstal’s industrial sites, which includes an increased use of…

ROSATOM has joined UN Global Compact

ROSATOM has joined the United Nations Global Compact. It is the largest corporate social responsibility and sustainable development initiative for businesses across the world. Today, it unites over 13,000 companies from more than 160 countries. To join the initiative, ROSATOM issued the Letter of commitment to confirm that ROSATOM supports the Ten Principles of the…

Severstal supplied large-diameter pipes for the costructio of the Olympic stadium i Egypt

October 5, 2020 PAO Severstal, one of the world’s largest vertically integrated steel and mining companies, has supplied the large-diameter pipes (LSAW) for the development of the Olympic stadium in Egypt’s new administrative capital. The products were manufactured for Orascom Construction PLC. That is a leading global engineering and construction contractor primarily focused on infrastructure,…

Gazprom and LUKOIL continuing preparations for developing two fields in Nenets Autonomous Area

October 1, 2020, 21:00 A working meeting between Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee, and Vagit Alekperov, President of LUKOIL, took place today in St. Petersburg. The parties discussed current issues related to cooperation, including further steps in the preparations for the development of the Vaneyvisskoye and Layavozhskoye fields. Background Gazprom and LUKOIL are bound by the 2014–2024 General Agreement on Strategic Partnership, pursuant to which,…

Gazprom’s projects for preserving cultural heritage and developing St. Petersburg receive high praise from Russian Government

September 30, 2020, 20:00 A delegation of the Government of the Russian Federation led by Dmitry Chernyshenko, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, today paid a visit to the Tsarskoe Selo State Museum Preserve. Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee, took part in the event. Alexey Miller acquainted the delegation with the main charity projects implemented by Gazprom in St. Petersburg. Particular attention was…

Atommash has shipped the first Reactor Pressure Vessel for Akkuyu NPP (Turkey)

The Atommash plant (part of the machine-engineering division of ROSATOM – “Atomenergomash”) manufactured and shipped the Reactor Pressure Vessel for the first power unit of the “Akkuyu” nuclear power plant under construction. It took almost three years to manufacture the 330-ton Reactor pressure Vessel 12 meters long. A month earlier, four Steam Generators left the…

SMOTR satellite to be used for greenhouse gas emissions monitoring

September 25, 2020, 21:00 A working meeting between Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee, and Dmitry Rogozin, Director General of State Space Corporation Roscosmos, took place today in Moscow. The parties discussed cooperation issues of current importance, for instance, the construction of the spacecraft assembly facility (SPKA) in Shchelkovo, Moscow Region. The project is being implemented by Gazprom with support from Roscosmos. It was noted that,…

Gazprom approves programs for reconstruction and re-equipment of gas production and transmission facilities for years 2021–2025

September 24, 2020, 15:25 The Gazprom Management Committee approved the 2021–2025 comprehensive programs for the reconstruction and re-equipment of gas production and transmission facilities. The documents aim to provide for high reliability and operational safety of Russia’s Unified Gas Supply System, as well as fulfillment of obligations on gas supplies by the Company to consumers in the domestic and external markets. Specifically, the top priority in the area of production is, as before, to achieve maximum production rates during…

Alexey Miller: Gazprom to become one of major players in global helium market

September 23, 2020, 14:30 Photos Amur GPP will increase the Company’s helium production by 13 times. Construction readiness of the helium hub near Vladivostok is above 70 per cent. Contract has been signed for the delivery of LNG-powered freight trucks to carry helium. A presentation of a helium production and marketing project that forms part of Gazprom’s Eastern Gas Program took place today at the Lakhta Center in St. Petersburg.…

Board of Directors takes note of information on Standard for Procurement of Large-Diameter Pipes

September 22, 2020, 19:55 The Board of Directors reviewed the issue of the improvement, jointly with Gazprom’s representatives, of the Standard for Procurement of Large-Diameter Pipes (LDPs) by Gazprom Group entities, which was previously developed by the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) of Russia together with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. It was noted at the meeting that LDPs are among Gazprom’s essential material…

Board of Directors reviews ongoing activities for creating single operators of network facilities in NCFD

September 22, 2020, 19:50 The Gazprom Board of Directors reviewed the information on the creation of single operators of network facilities in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that form part of the North Caucasus Federal District (NCFD), with transfer of network assets onto their balance sheet. It was noted that Gazprom pays the utmost attention to the modernization of gas facilities in the NCFD. In 2018, in accordance with…

Gazprom continues work towards identifying ownerless gas networks in Russian regions

September 22, 2020, 19:45 The Gazprom Board of Directors reviewed the information on the measures undertaken to inventory ownerless gas facilities in Russian regions, as well as to optimize the procedure of their transfer to specialized organizations for further operation in line with the laws of the Russian Federation. It was noted that operation of ownerless gas distribution facilities (gas networks that have no lawful owners and are lacking proper technical…

Board of Directors reviews proposals on development of gas supplies to population

September 22, 2020, 19:40 The Gazprom Board of Directors took note of the information on the implementation of a socially-oriented and cost-effective system of gas infrastructure expansion and gas supplies to serve the needs of the population. The current procedure for cooperation within the framework of gas infrastructure expansion across Russian regions delineates responsibilities among participants as follows. The administrations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation prepare proposals…

ROSATOM and Syrian Atomic Energy Commission signed a Memorandum of Understanding

ROSATOM and Syrian Atomic Energy Commission signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in the peaceful non-energy application of nuclear technologies. The document was signed in person in Vienna on September 21. The Memorandum was signed by ROSATOM Director General Alexey Likhachev and Director General of Syrian Atomic Energy Commission Ibrahim Othman. The Memorandum addresses…

ROSATOM and the African Commission on Nuclear Energy Will Develop Cooperation in the Field of the Use of Nuclear Energy for Peaceful Purposes

The Memorandum of Understanding between ROSATOM and the African Commission on Nuclear Energy (AFCONE) on cooperation in the field of the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes was signed in Pretoria and Moscow on the 22nd of September. The Memorandum was signed by Mr. Nikolay Spasskiy, the Deputy Director General of ROSATOM, and Mr.…

ROSATOM participated in the international webinar ‘Technology readiness and safety of small modular reactors’

September 18, 2020 – The webinar ‘Technology readiness and safety of small modular reactors’ hosted by National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia (BATAN), brought together world’s nuclear power industry major players, including ROSATOM. The webinar, moderated by BATAN Expert M.Sc.E Johanna Maria Christina Johari, was aimed to bring the audience the understanding of nuclear energy…

Construction of first well completed at Semakovskoye field

September 18, 2020, 17:50 RusGazAlyans (a joint venture of Gazprom and RusGazDobycha) completed the construction of the first production well at the Semakovskoye gas field. Commercial gas inflow was obtained. The well is 2,637 meters long. A program of gas dynamic studies will be performed in the well in order to determine the actual reservoir properties and confirm the flow rates indicated in the production forecast. Two…

Korsakov Central District Hospital receives new equipment from Sakhalin Energy

News from projects and regions September 18, 2020, 10:30 The Korsakov Central District Hospital has received new equipment from Sakhalin Energy. The funds for purchasing the required medical devices and consumables were provided within the Prevention and Treatment project, the company’s initiative aimed at supporting the healthcare institutions of the Sakhalin Region. The project is designed to provide the…

Gazprom Export Further Extends Functions of the Electronic Sales Platform

News from projects and regions September 17, 2020, 15:00 Gazprom Export LLC continues to develop its Electronic Sales Platform (ESP). From September 7, 2020, new types of trade instruments are available here. In addition to existing products, the ESP now offers new instruments with geographical and volume flexibility: the former allows several delivery points to choose from, while the latter…

Gazprom ramping up capacities of Chayandinskoye field

September 11, 2020, 19:20 The Gazprom Management Committee took note of the information about the implementation of major investment projects. In the east of Russia, the systematic expansion of production capacities continues at the Chayandinskoye field in Yakutia. In 2020, it is planned to bring onstream 103 gas wells, a gas pre-treatment unit (GPTU-2), and a membrane unit for helium concentrate extraction. Moreover, capacity increase will be finished at the operating comprehensive gas treatment unit…

Gazprom Management Committee endorses revised investment program and budget for 2020

September 11, 2020, 18:55 Gazprom’s overall amount of investments for 2020: RUB 922.489 billion. Gazprom’s borrowings for 2020: RUB 501.287 billion. Final investment program and budget to be approved by Gazprom Board of Directors. The Gazprom Management Committee endorsed the revised drafts of the investment program and budget (financial plan) for 2020. As per the revised investment program for 2020, the overall amount of investments will stand…

Russia and Belarus discuss cooperation in gas sector

September 11, 2020, 14:20 A working meeting of Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee, with Vladimir Semashko, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus to the Russian Federation, and Viktor Karankevich, Minister of Energy of the Republic of Belarus, took place today in St. Petersburg. The parties reviewed current and prospective issues related to cooperation in the gas sector. Background The contracts between…

10th Energy of Victories national sports journalism festival contest launched

September 11, 2020, 10:00 Gazprom, the Russian Olympic Committee, and the Federation of Sports Journalists of Russia announce the start of the 10th anniversary edition of the Energy of Victories national sports journalism festival contest for Russian-language mass media based in Russia and abroad. The primary goals of the contest are to promote the Olympic movement, sports, and healthy living, as well as to improve the quality of sports…

A digital system for Hanhikivi-1 NPP configuration management at the design stage has been created in Engineering Division of ROSATOM

The specialists of Digitalization Directorate of ASE EC JSC (Engineering Division of ROSATOM) completed the establishment of configuration management system for Hanhikivi-1 NPP (Finland) for the Basic Design stage. The digital system for Hanhikivi-1 NPP configuration management was established on the basis of Multi-D IMS platform – the core of Multi-D technology of Rosatom Engineering…

Gazprom’s financial information under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for the six months ended June 30, 2020

August 31, 2020, 10:00 IFRS results 2020 Comment by Famil Sadygov, Deputy Chairman of Gazprom Management Committee, on financial statements under IFRS for six months of 2020 Today PJSC Gazprom issued its unaudited consolidated interim condensed financial information prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 Interim Financial Reporting (IAS 34) for the six months ended June 30, 2020. The table…

Port at Padma river became fully operational on Rooppur NPP construction site (Bangladesh)

Freight water terminal located at Padma river became fully operational on Rooppur NPP construction site in Bangladesh (General Contractor — JSC “Atomstroyexport”, a company of Rosatom Engineering Division). The port is intended for receiving various process equipment for the construction and further operation of Nuclear Power Plant, including the delivery of fresh fuel and removal…

ROSATOM will develop REMIX fuel fabrication at the site of the Siberian Chemical Plant in Seversk

The Investment Committee of ROSATOM has approved the project of modernization of the experimental shop-floor for nuclear fuel fabrication at the site of the Siberian Chemical Combine (SCC), an enterprise of TVEL Fuel Company of Rosatom in Seversk, Tomsk region (West Siberia). This will enable SCC to manufacture fuel assemblies with uranium-plutonium REMIX fuel matrix…

Gazprom and Mongolian Government sign Memorandum of Intent

August 25, 2020, 11:00 A working meeting between Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee, and Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh, Prime Minister of Mongolia, took place today via a video call. The parties discussed the prospects of cooperation on the project for pipeline gas supplies from Russia to China across Mongolia. In the course of the meeting, Alexey Miller and Yangugiin Sodbaatar, Deputy Prime Minister of Mongolia,…

ROSATOM Moves to United Brand

August 20, Moscow – ROSATOM has switched to using a united brand. While preserving their names and unique identity, organizations of the Russian nuclear industry will get unified logos based on the trademark of ROSATOM – the Mobius strip. Such approach to corporate branding is called “umbrella branding,” and many top-class global corporations are using…

Installation of Reactor Pressure Vessel Dry Shielding Completed on Kudankulam NPP Unit 3 (India)

On the site of Kudankulam NPP Unit 3 under construction, Indian contractor Larsen & Toubro (L&T, India), under technical support of Russian experts, completed the works on installation into position of the reactor pressure vessel Dry Shielding. Dry Shielding is a cylindrical shield in metal cladding filled with serpentine concrete and located around the reactor…

The third layer of the reactor building inner containment has been erected at power unit No.1 of Rooppur NPP

The works on erection and concreting of the reactor building inner containment third layer sections of Rooppur NPP power unit No.1 being constructed in Bangladesh (the General Contractor – JSC Atomstroyexport is included in the Engineering Division of ROSATOM) have been completed. All works on the third layer were performed by TrestRosSEM LLC specialists for…

Severstal commits to cuttig its carbo emissios by 3% by 2023 ad almost doubles its target for reducig total atmospheric emissios

July 30, 2020 PAO Severstal (“Severstal”; “the Company”), one of the world’s leading vertically integrated steel and steel-related mining companies, today announces a public target to cut its greenhouse gas emissions intensity by 3% over the next three years compared with 2020 . It is the first stage of a longer-term strategy to reduce its…

ROSATOM manufactures the first full refueling batch of MOX fuel for BN-800 fast reactor

The Mining and Chemical Combine in Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region (East Siberia) has manufactured the first full reload batch of fresh uranium-plutonium MOX fuel for BN-800 fast reactor, operated at Beloyarsk NPP. The 169 fuel assemblies have been accepted by Rosenergoatom, the operator of Russian NPPs, and its authorized representative VPO ZAES, which has confirmed the…

Severstal reports Q2 & H1 2020 fiacial results

July 23, 2020 PAO Severstal (MICEX-RTS: CHMF; LSE: SVST), one of the world’s leading steel and steel-related mining companies, today announces its Q2 & H1 2020 financial results for the period ended 30 June 2020. CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR Q2 AND H1 2020 Notes: EBITDA represents profit from operations plus depreciation and amortisation of productive…

JSC NIIEFA has shipped off a cyclotron CC-30/15 made for the Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology

On July 15-17, 2020 JSC Efremov NIIEFA (Saint-Petersburg), shipped off the equipment, which is part of an isochronous cyclotron СС-30/15. Nine containers of total weight 120 tons were sent to Nakhon Nayok Province, where JSC Rusatom Health Care and Kinetics Corporation Ltd. carry out construction of the cyclotron and radiochemistry complex ordered by the Thailand…

Sakhalin Energy helps Sakhalin Regional Clinical Hospital

News from projects and regions July 14, 2020, 14:10 Today, Sakhalin Energy provided forty oxygen concentrators to the Sakhalin Regional Clinical Hospital. The apparatuses were purchased in the framework of cooperation with the Sakhalin Region Ministry of Health. Oxygen concentrators are now needed most for treating severe respiratory diseases, including pneumonia caused by COVID-19, a new type of coronavirus. These apparatuses use…