ROSATOM Engineering Division) has Conducted the First Supervisory Audit of the Integrated Management System

Atomstroyexport JSC (ASE JSC) and Atomenergoproekt JSC (being part of ROSATOM Engineering Division)have undergone successfully the first supervisory audit of the integrated management system against the requirements of  ISO 9001:2015 international standards (quality management system), ISO 14001:2015 (environmental management system) and ISO 45001:2018 (Occupational Health and Safety Management System). The audit was implemented by the…

ROSATOM is again among the best employers in Russia according to the country’s biggest recruitment platform

ROSATOM is yet again among the leaders of the “Best Employers of Russia” of 2021 rating, which was compiled by the HeadHunter recruitment platform. ROSATOM scored the first place among industrial companies in three categories: “Power Engineering, Mining and Raw Materials Processing”, “Industrial Manufacturing” and “Manufacturing and Industrial Companies.” This year, the amount of job…

Rusatom Overseas and Air Liquide completed a feasibility study for the construction of a hydrogen production complex on Sakhalin Island

Rusatom Overseas and Air Liquide announced the completion of a feasibility study for the construction of a hydrogen production complex on Sakhalin Island and presented the results at a meeting with the Government of the Sakhalin Region. Based on the positive results of the feasibility study, RAOS and Air Liquide are preparing for the next…

Russia Sees Record 200K Covid-19 Cases

Russia reported more than 200,000 new Covid-19 infections Friday for the first time since the start of the pandemic. The country has been gripped by a surge in cases since the start of the year, fueled by the highly transmissible Omicron variant.  The country reported 203,949 new infections over the last 24 hours, Russia’s nationwide…

Russian Animated Film Nominated for Oscars 2022

The Russian short film “Boxballet,” directed by Anton Dyakov, was nominated for an Oscar in the Best Animated Short category, the Russian news agency TASS reported Tuesday.  “I’m very happy,” Dyakov told TASS, commenting on the nomination. “I think that Russian non-profit animation deserves to be talked about and highlighted.”  “Boxballet,” an eccentric, 2D-animated short,…

Moldova’s unilateral approach to auditing debt of Moldovagaz inconsistent with agreements reached in October 2021

Message to the Media February 8, 2022, 16:55 The meeting of the Supervisory Board of Moldovagaz slated for February 2, 2022, did not take place due to non-attendance by representatives of the Moldovan Government. The Supervisory Board was supposed to harmonize the approaches to be used in auditing the debt owed by Moldovagaz to the Gazprom Group for consumer gas supplies to the right bank of the Dniester, as provided for…

Estonian Frikadellisupp Climbs the Charts

“What’s your absolute favorite soup?” asked a non-foodie friend recently. Only a non-foodie would ask something so inflammatory: it’s like asking someone to identify a favorite child. But I wondered afterwards if it were feasible to determine my Top 5 Favorite Soups. I scratched a preliminary list on the back of an envelope and was…

Russian Theater Execs Protest Ministry’s ‘Traditional Values’ Push

The heads of some of Russia’s most prominent theaters have voiced their opposition to a proposed Culture Ministry initiative that aims to “strengthen traditional values” in Russian arts and culture.  The Culture Ministry unveiled its full proposal — entitled “Fundamentals of State Policy for the Preservation and Strengthening of Traditional Russian Spiritual and Moral Values”…

What’s On in Moscow Feb. 4-6

See underground art underground If you haven’t been to the Zaryadye Park Museum, the current show would be a great introduction. Called “360 Degrees, or the Faceted Vision of the Dragon Fly,” it is dedicated to the art historian and curator Vitaly Patsyukov, who passed away at the age of 83 last October. The show…

Gazprom and CNPC sign agreement to supply Russian pipeline gas to China via Far Eastern route

February 4, 2022, 12:05 This is the second long-term sales and purchase agreement for gas to be signed by the companies. The Far Eastern route is going to increase the amount of Russian gas supplies to China by 10 billion cubic meters. Gazprom and China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) signed a long-term Sales and Purchase Agreement for natural gas to be supplied via the Far Eastern route. The…

Documents signed for lithium production project at Kovyktinskoye field

February 3, 2022, 14:05 A set of documents aimed at implementing the project for the production and processing of formation brines (saline groundwaters) from the Kovyktinskoye field of Gazprom in order to obtain lithium compounds and other valuable components was signed today at a meeting held via a video link. Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee, and Denis Manturov, Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation,…

ROSATOM Infrastructure Solutions Acquires Controlling Interest in Quadra Power

Rosatom Infrastructure Solutions (RIS, a ROSATOM company) announces that it has acquired 82.47% of Quadra’s stock capital from ONEXIM Group. The parties signed the contract on January 31, 2022, in Moscow. “Rosatom Infrastructure Solutions manages ROSATOM’s heat and electric power generation facilities and implements comprehensive utility upgrade projects in cities where nuclear power plants are…

Gas production and supplies: results for January

February 1, 2022, 14:30 According to preliminary data, Gazprom produced 47.4 billion cubic meters of gas in January 2022, which is 0.5 billion cubic meters (or 1 per cent) more than in the same period of last year. Gazprom ramped up its domestic supplies from the gas transmission system by 3.2 per cent (or by 1.1 billion cubic meters) over said period of 2022. The Company’s gas exports to the countries beyond the FSU…

Severstal ivests i revolutioary ew techology to produce low-carbo hydroge

February 1, 2022 PAO Severstal has announced an investment in Ekona Power Inc., a Canadian developer of low-carbon hydrogen production technology. According to Ekona Power Inc., in addition to Severstal Ventures, American technology company Baker Hughes (headquarters: Houston, Texas), Japanese trading and investing company Mitsui (headquarters: Tokyo, Japan), and American oil company ConocoPhillips (headquarters: Houston,…

Over 93 per cent of employees vaccinated at Gazprom and core subsidiaries of gas business

January 27, 2022, 12:15 The Management Committee took note of the information about the results of the efforts undertaken in 2021 to vaccinate the employees of the Gazprom Group against COVID-19, as well as the status of health & disease control measures implemented to curb the spread of infection at Gazprom, its subsidiaries and entities. It was highlighted that Gazprom continues to pursue a set of mandatory measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Conditions…

Severstal jois coalitio i support of the Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics Iitiative with the World Ecoomic Forum

January 27, 2022 PAO Severstal has become the first Russian steel company to join the World Economic Forum’s coalition to promote responsible corporate reporting on stakeholder capitalism. The Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics initiative, sponsored by the International Business Council (IBC) of the World Economic Forum, is part of wider efforts to develop a set of universal…

100+ international companies and organisations partake in ROSATOM’s “Breakthrough Technologies for a Sustainable Future” week at EXPO-2020

Taking place as part of World Expo 2020 in Dubai (UAE), ROSATOM’s thematic weeklong event “Breakthrough Technologies for a Sustainable Future” came to a close on January 24. The event – unprecedented in terms of scale – saw ROSATOM representatives taking part in 18 sessions dedicated to the role of advanced technologies in achieving a…

Feasibility study completed for Soyuz Vostok gas pipeline project

January 25, 2022, 14:05 A working meeting between Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee, and Sainbuyan Amarsaikhan, Deputy Prime Minister of Mongolia, took place today via a video link. The parties signed a statement on the results of the consideration of the feasibility study for the Soyuz Vostok gas trunkline construction project. As per the feasibility study, the pipeline will stretch for 962.9 kilometers…

ROSATOM and Other Russian IT Companies use Expo-2020 to Announce Plans for Teamwork on Global Market

Russian IT companies working together with ROSATOM and the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation (Russian Digital Ministry) are prepared to expand the international markets presence of their digital solutions and products. The potential for expanding the global markets presence of Russian IT solution was discussed by participants of…

Severstal ad Crédit Agricole CIB sig Climate Memoradum, “Together towards a low-carbo future”

January 21, 2022 Severstal announces that Crédit Agricole CIB has joined the steel company’s Climate Memorandum, “Together for a low-carbon Future”. The Memorandum aims to support global efforts to prevent further climate change. The memorandum was signed by Crédit Agricole CIB on 21st January 2022 in Moscow during the Climate Memorandum’s first Steering Committee meeting.…

Gas production and supplies: results for first half of January

January 17, 2022, 14:20 According to preliminary data, Gazprom produced 23.1 billion cubic meters of gas between January 1 and 15, 2022, which is 2.1 per cent (or 0.5 billion cubic meters) more than in the same period of last year. Gazprom ramped up its domestic supplies from the gas transmission system by 3.7 per cent (or by 0.6 billion cubic meters) over said period of 2022. The Company’s…

Permanent exhibition on Peter I era opens at Hermitage Museum with support from Gazprom

January 14, 2022, 19:40 Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee, and Mikhail Piotrovsky, Director General of the State Hermitage Museum, opened today in St. Petersburg the Peter the Great Gallery, the first part of the permanent exhibition entitled “Russian Culture in the First Half of the 18th Century.” The exhibition is timed to celebrate the 350th anniversary of the birth of Peter the…

License documentation for El Dabaa NPP units 3 and 4 has been handed over to the Egyptian Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Authority

On December 30, 2021, ahead of schedule, Egyptian Nuclear Power Plant Authority (NPPA) handed over the package of documents to the Egyptian Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Authority (ENRRA) which are required for receipt of license for construction of El Dabaa NPP power units 3 and 4 (general designer and general contractor is ROSATOM Engineering Division).…

Alexey Miller: 2021 was Gazprom’s record-breaking year

January 2, 2022 We have received the operational data on the Company’s performance in the year 2021. For Gazprom, it was a record-breaking year. In 2021, we produced 514.8 billion cubic meters of gas. This is the best result in the last 13 years. It topped the 2020 result by 62.2 billion cubic meters. The growth in Gazprom’s production covered the lion’s share of global gas consumption growth in 2021. As usual,…

Report by Alexey Miller at Russian President Vladimir Putin’s meeting on performance in autumn/winter heating season

December 29, 2021 Dear Mr. President, It is the number one objective for Gazprom to ensure that Russian gas facilities operate successfully and confidently throughout the heating season. At the start of the period of withdrawal of gas from underground gas storage facilities, our working gas inventories totaled 72,638 million cubic meters with a daily deliverability of 847.9 million cubic meters. Both the working gas reserves…

Vitaly Markelov, Vladimir Markov, and Elena Mikhailova reelected as Gazprom Management Committee Members

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Lighting concept for St. Petersburg TV Tower and architectural concept for third high-rise of Lakhta Center complex unveiled

December 28, 2021, 17:15 New city planning initiatives were presented today at the meeting of the Inter-Agency Council in charge of implementing the Agreement of Cooperation between St. Petersburg and Gazprom. As part of Gazprom’s large-scale efforts for the architectural and artistic lighting of historic sites, central streets, and new districts of the city, a new lighting concept for the St. Petersburg TV Tower with the use of kinetic…